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Is there more than one contest per day?
A fantasy cricket contest can be entered based on the matches that are being played on a certain day throughout the world.
Are fantasy cricket games safe?
It's legal as far as I'm concerned. It provides players with a number of tips and tricks so that they can avoid losing money frequently.
Is there a way for me to earn money?
Play in a match of your choice. Choose a league format. If your team meets the winning criteria of the league, you'll earn real money. That's it!
If I'm under 18, can I play 6wickets?
Fantasy cricket or any other fantasy sport in general requires the age of 18 or older. Playing is not permitted for anyone younger than that age.
Does the team list update after the release?
After the toss, your lineups are subject to change since teams are formed hours before the match. Before the match, any changes can be made.
How soon will I receive my winnings?
6wickets declares the winners and distributes the cash pool. To ensure that points are awarded correctly, 6wickets verifies the scorecard.