Privacy Policy


The privacy of our customers is respected

6wickets offers real-time fantasy cricket games on a reliable and stable platform. We respect the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy describes what information we collect from our Users, how we use that information, and the choices our Users have in this regard.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into the Terms of Service on our website. 6wickets respects your privacy and guarantees that any information you provide will be treated with respect and used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. It may be necessary for you to provide certain information to us to participate in the Fantasy Cricket games on 6wickets.

We collect the following data

In order to use our games, you must register as a User. To do so, we collect user information; This includes User names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers. We may not be able to provide you with our Games and other Services if you do not provide us with the required information. In addition to your personal information, we collect information such as your IP address.

This information is not related to your personal information and cannot be linked to you. Users' IP addresses may analyse trends, administer the website, track their movements, and gather broad demographic information. An IP address does not contain any information that can be linked to a specific individual. The information collected on this website is the sole property of It is not our policy to sell, share, or rent our Users' information in ways other than those disclosed herein.

Analyzing the collected data

Your personal information is not disclosed to any third party without your express permission. Registering on our Website or App gives us permission to use and share your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. When required by law, we may be required to disclose your information. Among other things, we use your information to improve our Services, enhance your experience on our website, and inform you of updated Fantasy Cricket offers Products and Services.

6wickets provides foolproof security to protect User information from loss, misuse and alteration. Registration data are password-protected so that only you can access your information. If your password is used, 6wickets is not responsible for anything in your account. We strongly recommend that you don't divulge your password to anyone.


When browsing our website or app, cookies may be left on your computer or phone. assigns a cookie to your browser to uniquely identify your computer. This information may be used to improve your experience on In addition, it may be used for security, authentication and game management. Cookies cannot give us access to your computer or any personal information, except for the information you choose to provide.

Additionally, cookies can be assigned to you by the advertisers of 6wickets when you click on any of the advertisements displayed on our website. Such cookies are managed by the advertisers and not by us.

Accepting or declining cookies is entirely up to you. Browsers accept cookies automatically, but you can change your browser's settings to decline cookies if you wish. Unfortunately, you might not be able to use all the options on our site.

Children's protection

We do not provide services to persons under the age of eighteen (18). We will disclose the service to any person aged eighteen (18) years or older, which may require us to access and verify the person's personal information. If a minor attempts to use the service or submits personal information, the service will not accept that information. Our records will be securely deleted once such information is removed.


By registering on our Website or App, you consent to us collecting and using your personal information for and its partners and affiliates. Our Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time as our methods for collecting information change. Whenever we change this policy, we will post it here. This ensures you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. Keep up to date with our Privacy Policies.

6wickets states that this Privacy Policy merely describes its operation in relation to User information. This Privacy Policy does not grant any legal rights to you or to any other individual, group or organisation. This Privacy Policy may be amended at any time without prior notice by 6wickets.